dinsdag 10 juni 2014

Arrival on the Plukrijpfarm

Last week I arrived on the Plukrijpfarm, meaning that I moved here permanently! I enjoy the company of these loving people and it's nice to not be alone any more like i was at home... I really missed social contact and I love being around other people her fore dinner, to work together, to laugh and do crazy stuff, to cry and weep, to inspire each other, to hug and to cherish, to love and to accept each other the way we are...

I moved into a caravan...surrounded by a foodforrest, a pond with frogs keeping me awake at night :) ,  birds waking me up early with their beautiful sounds, fresh veggies and berries everywhere, beautiful sunsets, thunderstorms with hail and lightning restoring balance in the universe... I'm enjoying life!